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Brighton & Hove Reform Synagogue

Brighton & Hove Reform Synagogue
BECOME A MEMBERWe are always delighted to welcome new members. The first step is an informal chat with the Rabbi. You are also most welcome to come and have a look around the Synagogue, or join us for one of our services. Please get in touch with the Shul office.
SETTLING INEvery new member is offered a Befriender for their first six months of membership. This is a member of BHRS who can introduce you to the Synagogue, our services and our community as well as our range of religious, educational and social opportunities. In that time, we hope that you will get to know many other new and existing members and enjoy participating in and contributing to Synagogue life.
WHAT IF I LIVE FAR FROM THE SYNAGOGUE?We recognise that many of our members come from outside of Brighton & Hove and have found geographical distance from the Synagogue a hurdle to participating as much as they would like. The team supports the establishment and running of satellite groups, enabling these members to meet up for prayer, study and socialising at a location nearer to home. Our weekly services and some social events can be accessed by Zoom, which helps those who live far away to feel fully engaged in Synagogue life.
MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP FEES, 2024/25Adult Membership: £35.20 JJBS (Burial Scheme): £6.60 Security: £0.25 Associate Member: £17.60 (To qualify for Associate membership, you must be a full member of another MRJ Synagogue) We offer a one-year only 'maternity leave' rate of £9.18/month for new parents. If applicable Cheder per child: £12.00 Cheder security per child £2.00 (30 Weeks) Voluntary Extras: Board of Deputies: £30.00 per year If you are a taxpayer, please sign a Gift Aid Declaration. The tax saving is an enormous help to the Synagogue. If you are a higher rate taxpayer, please inform the office. Please note that termination of membership requires 3 months notice.
JEWISH JOINT BURIAL SCHEME (JJBS)The JJBS subscription is similar to a life insurance policy premium payable with your annual Synagogue membership, in addition to your subscription. No JJBS subscription is payable by members under the age of 40 on 1 April, although they will be included as members of the scheme. The scheme will pay out a sum to cover a proportion of your funeral costs, when that time arises. The amount paid out is determined by your age at the time of joining the scheme. If you join before the age of 50 you will receive 100% benefit (currently up to £4,500), with the amount decreasing if you join at an older age. You may buy out this 'late entry' liability at any time. The JJBS is an independent charitable organisation serving Reform, Masorti, Liberal and Independent communities in the UK. Membership of this scheme is mandatory for members who join BHRS, before the age of 75. You cannot be a member of the JJBS scheme without being a member of a JJBS affiliated Synagogue. The scheme is subject to terms and conditions as updated from time to time. The new JJBS website is very helpful: The Synagogue will take responsibility for the conduct of a funeral and ensure that the scheme benefits cover the funeral costs (or the applicable proportion of costs), provided that the funeral is arranged by a consultant or director approved by the Synagogue.
VOLUNTARY EXTRASBOARD OF DEPUTIES This is a further voluntary payment for the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which includes representatives from all parts of the Jewish community. It is the oldest Jewish communal organisation in Britain. GIFT AID YOUR PAYMENTS The Synagogue can reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you pay as part of your membership or any donations you may make. Please help us to do this by completing a Gift Aid form when you take out membership.
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