Brighton & Hove Reform Synagogue

Brighton & Hove Reform Synagogue
Social events are one of the highlights of Synagogue life, but very often the most successful are those that have a connection with our festivals or religious observance.
Our Second Night Communal Seder has to be the most successful of all of these. Our regular Chavurah Suppers are another popular social event. These take place four times a year, usually after the Friday night service and provide a wonderful opportunity for members to share their Shabbat Dinner with their extended ‘Shul Family’.

Whether attended by 40 or 70 the atmosphere is always lovely and the choice of food (catered by the attendees) is the best – home cooking from all those different kitchens!
We also hold at least one social function each year, which in recent years has been Supper Quizzes, Comedy Evenings and Music Events. Events will be advertised in the weekly What’s On.

Book Club is a small friendly group who meet every 6-8 weeks, on a Shabbat morning, before the service, to discuss a book chosen by the group.
We are open to all who enjoy reading, the only criterion is that the book must have some form of Jewish interest, however tenuous.
All book club discussions are accompanied by coffee and croissants!
We host a lively weekly parent/carer and toddler group, for children 0-4, meeting every other week Friday morning during term time (Please Check with the Office). Children and their carers can enjoy fun free play, sensory activities, baking, stories and songs inspired by the Jewish festivals.
All sessions also include a friendly celebration of Shabbat for the little ones, with candle lighting, Kiddush and Challah. A small donation is kindly requested to cover drinks, snacks and the light Kiddush lunch provided.


We have a dedicated part-time Youth Leader who is active in promoting Netzer Southern events for 10-18 year olds, including camps and the Israel tour. We subsidise all events including Netzer activities and the Israel tour. Our Youth worker also:
Works with Cheder on children's and young people's activities and events
Arranges focused events for 10 - 13 year olds
Runs an active Ruach group for our Cheder Helpers (post B'nei Mitzvah) aged 13 - 18 years
Youth activities are open to non-member children and young people from the Jewish community.